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My Rehab Connection

PAIN: A Modern View On Why We Hurt

PAIN: A Modern View On Why We Hurt

Part 1: Re-thinking The Traditional View of Pain At first glance pain seems like a straightforward process. You stub your toe or break a bone and it hurts. This is how most people understand pain. It’s consistent with the patho-anatomical view that holds tissue damage...

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Knee Rotation Exercises

Knee Rotation Exercises

When we think about the knee we conceptualize it as a hinge allowing large ranges of flexion and extension.  But the knee does not behave like a conventional hinge you would find in a door. The knee is actually classified as a modified hinge, and this hinge...

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I Hurt But Didn’t Do Anything?

I Hurt But Didn’t Do Anything?

Unfortunately, pain and injury are an inevitable fact of life. In some cases this pain occurs following a traumatic event such as rolling over on an ankle or falling on an outstretched arm. Of course we aren’t happy about these injuries, but at least they make...

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Adductor Stretches

Adductor Stretches

  Hip adductor stretches and mobility exercises are a major component of hip and lower back rehab and flexibility programs. Here are a few great options to help target this critical (and very commonly tight) muscle group. Adductor Roller Release Self myofascial...

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5 Simple Quad Stretches

5 Simple Quad Stretches

Tight quadriceps are a common finding with knee pain, as well as lower back and pelvic pain. In this brief article I outline five simple exercises that can help improve mobility and flexibility of the quads. Note: If you are a My Rehab Connection subscriber, these...

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Curl Up Progressions

Curl Up Progressions

The curl up exercise is another staple of lower back rehab. It is part of what Professor McGill, a world authority on spine biomechanics from the University of Waterloo, refers to as the "big three" - a set of three exercises he recommends in the early stages of low...

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Correcting Hip Extension Mobility

Correcting Hip Extension Mobility

Hip joint extension is an absolute pre-requisite for safe and efficient movement.  This is not negotiable. We need it to achieve proper upright posture, and to walk, run, and climb stairs.  But when the hip flexors are tight it restricts the hip and creates...

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Abdominal Bracing

Abdominal Bracing

Lumbar stability is a critical goal when treating low back pain.  And if our objective is to stabilize the spine during real life activities it is paramount that we train this stability within our rehabilitation programs. If we want to get this right the first thing...

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