4 Squat Exercise Progressions

4 Squat Exercise Progressions

In this article I’m going to review my go-to exercise progressions for the squat. But before we get into the exercises I want to just set-up a few things. First off, let’s recognize that the squat is one of these exercises that often gets analyzed and debated to...
Hip Internal Rotation Exercises

Hip Internal Rotation Exercises

Hip Internal Rotation Mobility Breakouts With mechanical hip pain, one of the primary objectives is to ensure there is adequate joint mobility. Remember, the purpose of any synovial joint is to allow motion between two adjacent bones. This is particularly important...
Exercises For Acute Hip Pain

Exercises For Acute Hip Pain

When treating joint pain and dysfunction, the first priority is to develop tolerance to basic movements. So if we think about hip pain for example, if the hip can’t flex and extend, abduct and adduct, or rotate without hurting, that hip is going to have a lot of...
Exercises For Acute Neck Pain

Exercises For Acute Neck Pain

Neck pain is a common presentation to any chiropractic or physiotherapy clinic. And prescribing home exercises to these patients is a key step in the recovery process. Remember, movement is a powerful stimulus to control symptoms and guide tissue healing. (Quick side...
Advanced Lower Back Exercise

Advanced Lower Back Exercise

In this article series we’ve been talking about exercises to build lower back strength and endurance. In Part 1 we discussed the limitations of exercises like planks, bridges, and bird-dogs. In Part 2 we introduced the idea of loaded pelvic tilts as a better...